minus20degree 2024 - Plateau
This year’s edition of minus20degree 2024 focused on the topic Plateau. The plateau is a geological formation consisting of a vast horizontal plane at a higher altitude found in a mountain range such as the Alps. Besides its connection to the biennale location, the concept of plateau also offers us a thinking model: reaching a plateau is quite different from reaching a summit. The plateau accommodates many, the summit only offers space for a few. The summit usually promises more summits, while the plateau promises vastness and boundlessness. Thus, living on the plateau is therefore more of a mental and spiritual challenge than a physical one.
The questions that arise are: Can this landscape image be applied to the current state of our western society? Does the fact that we no longer recognize heights, or rather can no longer imagine heights, worry, and unsettle us? And is it even important to reach these heights - if they do exist?
minus20degree 2024 for the first time in its 12 years of existence included a day program, thus offered for three days 12 hours filled with seminars, art and architecture. minus20degree 2024 represented seven artworks from international artists and artist collectives. 17 Students of the FH Münster built and serviced the minus20degree Center. Three experts provided the visitors with walking seminars that reflected on this year’s theme “Plateau”. And in addition, the entire event was mirrored in the exhibition plus20degree in the city of Salzburg.
minus20degree got fundamental expertise by this year’s jury for the art works: Francesca Gavin (director of the viennacontemporary art fair), Günther Oberhollenzer (director of the Künstlerhaus Wien) and Thomas Lamers (member of the Collectief Walden). The jury selected five of the seven artistic works from submissions to the international open call out of 360 entries from over 50 countries.
Andreas Trobollowitsch - Unter der Autobahn
Anouk Chambaz - The Sentinels
misz SPUTNIK - Après Ski
Liang Jung Chen & Fabio Spink - Wind Tracing
SVUNG Research Group - Cold Comfort
Andreas Zißler - perfect fifth
Theo Deutinger - Nordpol
FH Münster - m20d Zentrum